
I am the great and powerful Oz! (just ignore that man behind the curtain)

from California's Central Valley (not exactly Berkeley) Modesto Bee:

Visions of sugar plums must dance through his head. President Bush was masterful in presenting a rosy worldview at his Monday press conference.

He said he will 'provide every tool and resource for our military.' Yet troops are scrounging scrap metal in landfills for armor. As the military calls up 55-year-olds to keep the ranks filled, he continues to talk about a 'lighter,' tactical Army.

Our Leader also appears to have come to the conclusion that Rumsfeld is beyond culpability for anything that has gone wrong in Iraq, "I know Secretary Rumsfeld's heart. I know how much he cares for the troops." Is this the same omniscience that he used on Putin? Gosh, as long as they're both decent guys deep down, I guess I can forgive them their atrocities.

I wonder if Pinochet has made an appointment with our resident empath as part of his defense strategy.



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