still think putting Social Security funds into the stock market is a good idea?
If you work for a mutual fund company, you probably do... 'cause they make money whether the market goes up or down. The proposed "partial privatization" of Social Security is a scam to allow financial service companies to skim profits off the retirement benefits of working Americans. It stinks to high heaven and the Bushministration is going to have a real battle on their hands if they try to muscle this through Congress. You think the Intelligence Reform Bill was divisive? Just you wait...
Oh, Senator Frist? Could you please advise us on how to safely invest our Social Security contributions?
Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist's campaign committee lost more than $500,000 in the stock market since the 2000 election and could not cover a bank loan that came due in August, records showed.Hmm. I guess not. Thank goodness his bankers took pity on him and "rolled over" the loan and gave him a lower interest rate, rather than defaulting. Doubtful you or I would receive the same treatment.
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