
spot the elitist

from Media Matters:

Reverend Pat Robertson called Kwanzaa "an absolute fraud" during the news segment of Christian Broadcasting Network's The 700 Club December 6. After lamenting that "left wing educators, left-wing judges are stripping every vestige of our Christian heritage," Robertson, host and Christian Coalition of America founder, said: "Kwanzaa is an absolute fraud. You know, there was no festival in Africa called 'Kwanzaa.' I mean, it's made up by a bunch of hippie-types on the West Coast. I mean, it's not something that goes back to Africa. No way."

He's entitled to his opinion, but this kind of blatant intolerance speaks volumes about Mr. Robertson's lack of compassion for generations of African Americans stripped of "every vestige of" their identities, culture, dignity, freedom, and opportunity in this country. How dare he begrudge another human being the right to observe whatever spiritual or cultural observance they choose.

If intolerance and bigotry are among the vestiges of "our Christian Heritage" that he's talking about, then by all means, strip away!



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