
presidential prejudice

this ridiculous position from our chief dimwit (from Yahoo! News):

Bush renewed his call for legislation that would let workers create private retirement accounts within the government-run program.

He sidestepped questions about whether the nation can afford to borrow in order to confront a shortfall in the trillions of dollars, saying, 'I will not prejudge any solution.

'But, he said, 'We will not raise payroll taxes to solve this problem.'"

What he means is that income over 90K/yr. will continue to not be taxed for SSI... unfair? regressive? yes on both counts. Why should the wealthiest be taxed at a lower rate than those in the working class?

He's eager to not "prejudge any solution", except the one that will piss off his campaign contributors. Who cares if the working class loses their nest eggs in the market? Certainly not JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Fidelity, Franklin, et al. They'll all be fat and happy while our social safety net gives way for those unfortunates whose only sin is to be born too late and too poor.



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