Fighting the good fight
from NYT:
Senator Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia led the Democrats' opposition, and has reserved an hour of floor time on Tuesday. So has Senator Barbara Boxer of California, who challenged Ms. Rice on the administration's rationale for the war during last week's hearings of the Foreign Relations Committee. Other Democrats, including Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, are also to speak.
Mr. Gonzales, whose nomination could be put to a vote in the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday, is another nominee encountering sharper-than-expected opposition. A number of committee Democrats - including Patrick J. Leahy of Vermont, Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California and Charles E. Schumer of New York - say they are leaning against voting for him or rethinking their support. As a result, Mr. Gonzales could face 'no' votes from six or more of the committee's eight Democrats.
Well it's about time they started to get some backbone. I say stick it to 'em. It's obvious the party in power is not in the mood to compromise or find common ground. Their scorched earth policy calls for no less than an all-out, frontal assault. The tyranny of this majority needs to be confronted and resisted, at any cost.
Rock on! Love your blog name, wish it was mine!
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