Are you listening, "faint-hearts"?
Most alarming to White House officials, some congressional Republicans are panning the president's plan -- even before it is unveiled. "Why stir up a political hornet's nest . . . when there is no urgency?" said Rep. Rob Simmons (Conn.), who represents a competitive district. "When does the program go belly up? 2042. I will be dead by then."
The Clinton health care initiative of 1993 attempted to address a universally acknowledged crisis which has gotten far worse by government inaction and corporate greed; fewer workers are covered by employer-funded (or any) health plans than a decade ago and our health care costs are rising precipitously.
The politically and profit-motivated fiction of Social Security's imminent demise does not appear to pass the smell test, even for members of the president's own party and some conservatives like William Kristol. It just doesn't add up, gentlemen. And good luck trying to get "fiscal conservatives" to sign on to an unimaginable $4 TRILLION to go with all the other mandate-related profligacy. The opposition better get their asses in gear and get the word out on this before the Rovian propaganda machine (see earlier post re: Armstrong Williams) gets up to speed. Where are OUR P.R. gurus on this one? Isn't it us red-diapers that control Hollywood and the media???
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