
Cast the first stone, why don't you...

from SFGate:

The future of same-sex marriage in California was left in the hands of a San Francisco Superior Court judge Thursday after a conservative group closed two days of hearings by arguing that gays and lesbians were inherently unfit for marriage.

"They can't perform the basic functions of marriage," said Rena Lindevaldsen, an attorney for the Campaign for California Families. "There is a basic difference between opposite-sex and same-sex couples ... the ability to procreate and, therefore, insure the existence and survival of our species."

What's next? Fertility tests for us heteros? It is absurd to suggest that state-sanctioned marriage exists solely for the purpose of procreation. State-sanctioned marriage exists for the prevention of fraud and bigamy and to contractualize mutual consent. It is not a substitute for and is not subject to the same requirements as a religiously-sanctioned union.

Just as the religious conservatives like to say "Government is not God," I believe the converse is also true: "God is not Government."

Get your hateful, bigoted, altar-boy molesting, false piety and hypocrisy out of our bedrooms and our Constitution.



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