
the arc of history

from MoveOn:

Although George Bush won by 3% nationally, we must remember that 55.4 million Americans stood with you and with John Kerry. You are certainly not alone. And a healthy environment, a strong and fair economy, good schools, domestic safety and the end of the war in Iraq are goals we all share -- red states and blue states alike.

Our journey toward a progressive America has always been bigger than George Bush. The current leg is just beginning -- we're still learning how to build a citizen-based politics together. But it's a journey our nation has been on for a long time. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, "The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice."

To be Progressive is to strive for progress. It is the manner in which we strive that will ultimately define us. Let us be mindful that history will judge us harshly if we allow our methods to detract from our message. Lead by example. Tomorrow's heroes are being educated right now. They are the future. They will write our history.



Blogger Combat Doc said...

The worst part that the left doesn't understand is that buying a t-shirt or making a sign doesn't enact change. Awarenedd without action is bullshit. Keep blogging!

November 4, 2004 at 12:30 AM  
Blogger David said...

Yes. There are a few key "takeaways" from this experience. One of them is that if we want real change, we must live that change. It's not enough to sit back, bewildered, and ask "why doesn't the rest of the world see things the way we do?" This approach means death and dishonor. Not only does it advance the misperception that we are elitists, but it encourages inaction by valuing criticism rather than compassion.

November 4, 2004 at 9:10 AM  

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