
my favorite Texan

from Jim Hightower:

Here's a new political slogan with some integrity and democratic gravitas to it: "Let's run government like a government."

This is, of course, the opposite of the tired, old, tried-and-failed slogan that politicians of both parties have been pushing for years: "We'll run government like a business." The Clintonites used this in the Nineties with their "reinventing government" campaign, declaring that government agencies should become efficient business operations and treat people as "customers."

Oh? Efficient like what? The mammoth insurance-company bureaucracies, or maybe the military contractors who waste and defraud us of billions of our tax dollars? And, do they mean customer treatment like we get from don't-give-a-damn banks and telephone companies?

Give this guy a listen on KALW-FM 91.7 in the Bay Area, every weekday morning at 7:49, or on the web.



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